Monday, September 18, 2006


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How adorable!! Is Drake your nephew? Goodness, he is a cutie.

Well, I just wanted to stop by and say hi, because I haven't seen/talked to/heard from you in FOREVER!!! (And that's just way too long.) How's school going? It's pretty crazy over at my place - but that makes it fun. Tomorrow are All-District Choir Auditions...eek, I'm nervous! I've been learning 3 songs for the past month, and when I get there tomorrow, I'll be told to sing a certain little part out of each song - the hard thing is that I have NO idea what the section will be beforehand! (I think I have a pretty good idea, though, based on what I've seen in the last 2 years I've done it.) Then, when it's my turn, I'll go up to the room for my voice part (Alto 2), and audition for 5 judges from behind a shower curtain (and, yes, it's really weird singing to a shower curtain). Then, at the end of the day, when all twenty bazillion people have auditioned, the people who make it for each voice part will be announced. There are about 50 girls trying out on Alto 2, so they'll take the top 20 chairs, which is just another word for rank. And then, if I make it, I'll learn even more songs, and go to the next audition. You see, this whole thing tomorrow is only the first step in the All-State Process, the series of auditions that selects the best high school vocalists in the state. To make the All-State Choir is pretty much the highest and most prestigious honor a person in high school choir can earn. I, however, am not even expecting to make this first audition, because I haven't practiced nearly enough. Oh well....I guess I won't be as disappointed! It's fun anyways, and I've gotten to learn some really nice music.

Well, blab-blab-blab about me...goodness, look at me go! Well, as you know, I don't have one of these nifty blog things, so you'll just have to e-mail me back!

See you on Sunday!

mucho love...kels