These are some new photos of Drake. He is soooooooo cute!!! I can not believe that he has gotten so big. I love him so much. He is so cute as I said. I hope I see you soon!!
Here are some photos of me, my friends Hadley and Andi, and my mom, and a girl named Kelaey.This was the first day when my mom was helping me fix up my bunck. I meet a lot of people. And made TONS of friends. I t was so cool at camp. You get to do so much cool stuff. I hope I can go back next year!!!!
Yesterday OU won!! I already knew that they were going to win. I did not get to watch the game becaues I went to the fair. I know what some of you are thinking, They got beat by the Oragen Ducks. That is only becaues they must not have had a very good weeked or something. I think that even thoe they lost to the ducks, they are so going to beat Texas!!!!!!
Hey here is a photo of Ava. I think she was like 4 months old in this pic. but i'm not for sure. She is so so so cute. She is one years old today. On the 23 of September. She is so cute I just got to see her last weeked. I went to stay with her and Ruby and Ethan. They are all realy cute. I'll try to get some new pics. of all of them on here.
This is one of my good freinds. She is always there when I need her. She is also very fashinable. I can trust her with anything. And if I have a problem she can help me fix it. I can always count on her.
I am in dallas right now. I am having alot of fun. I am with Tony, Heather,Ruby, Ethan, and Ava. I came here for Ruys gymnastics team. She got realy good score. I hope that we get to come and watch her do it agin. I had a blast!!!!!!!
I am at my sisters house. I am having a blast. I get to play with my 2 neases and my nefew. They are so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will try to get a photo of them on here. So stay posted.
I forced myself not to do somthing OU so I put this photo on there. This is just some of my familey swimming in my pool. We had a blast. We had realy fun when we got to dunk people. haha!!
ya ya I know what you are thinking. But it is football season. why not give the team some spirt!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know you think I am crazy but im not realy. But GO OU GO OU GO OU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey heres a new ou photo I found and just had to put it on my blog. I knonw that this year OU will beat texas.HAHA!!!!!!! so come on OU lets show them longhorns how to play so foot ball!!!!!
Hey guys just wanted to let you see a cute photo fo Drake. This was at my houes. Does't he look so so cute!!!!! I can't wait till I get to see him agin. Maybe ill fly up there and go see him.